“Prefers Trump Republican Party”

Elephants 005 - Royal Hanneford Circus - Westchester NY - 2013-02-16

by Croak,

I just opened up my state’s primary ballot. Scrolling through the grocery-sized list of gubernatorial candidates, I see two of them “prefer Trump Republican Party”–my state uses a “top two” rule regardless of party affiliation while another one listed themself as “prefers Pre2016 Republican Party”.

I don’t know what this signifies other than any nut can run for governor and scribble whatever party preference they wish on their application in my state. We already know the Republican party has a fissure between the Never Trumpers and the double-down-on-crazy wings. That fringe candidates are officially declaring allegiances through customized party affiliation is no sign of a deepening split.

After all, Never Trumper resistance to Trump has been as a paper doll standing up to a charging elephant; one needn’t trample what lays on its own. No, if the Trump prefix indicates anything at all, it’s that his followers have no end of grievances even with their own party. But if anyone can rustle up a more docile herd of pachyderms than our current Republican party, then crate’em up and ship’em to th’ circus because a more tame group of animals does not exist.

Still, Trump followers can’t stand for a single trunk straying from the line. And liberals are the party of grievances and woke intolerances?